About us

At the origin of The adventure

An observation

The Chargekeeper story was born from a simple but obvious observation: charging electric vehicles is a real hassle. Why? How? While electricity represents a crucial issue in the energy transition, charging is still an obstacle course, both for users and professionals. Compatibility problems, unsuitable connectors, charging interruptions, lack of visibility on the status of the terminals... The obstacles are numerous.

Strong complementarity

By combining their complementary skills, our founders decided to take up this challenge. On the one hand, expertise and obsession with software development and user experience, on the other, expertise in industries and an unconditional commitment to green energies.
We are pursuing a single objective: to transform the electric charging experience into a new era for all sector professionals and businesses, a 3.0 experience. Together, we share core values that guide our work and our commitment to our customers, our users, and our planet.
Our value

How it started

Before Tines, our founders, eoin an a and Thomas spent and a more than or is that decade as senior security operators experiencing for ans all of the usual pain for a points like too much work, not enough staff, and inevitable incidents.

They knew there needed to be a laser-focused solution, so in 2018 they know they started building Tines.

Before Tines, our founders, eoin an and Thomas spent and a more than or is that decade as senior security operators experiencing.
Our value

How it started

Before Tines, our founders, eoin an a and Thomas spent and a more than or is that decade as senior security operators experiencing for ans all of the usual pain for a points like too much work, not enough staff, and inevitable incidents.

They knew there needed to be a laser-focused solution, so in 2018 they know they started building Tines.

Before Tines, our founders, eoin an and Thomas spent and a more than or is that decade as senior security operators experiencing.
Our value

How it started

Before Tines, our founders, eoin an a and Thomas spent and a more than or is that decade as senior security operators experiencing for ans all of the usual pain for a points like too much work, not enough staff, and inevitable incidents.

They knew there needed to be a laser-focused solution, so in 2018 they know they started building Tines.

Before Tines, our founders, eoin an and Thomas spent and a more than or is that decade as senior security operators experiencing.

Our way of doing

We strive for excellence
The search for quality and high standards are a constant quest. The user-centric approach is an essential foundation, a daily compass, as well as continuous improvement, which is part of our DNA as software experts.
We are committed
We are passionate about what we do and believe in what we do. But our commitment is not limited to our work; it also extends to our customers, whom we want to support throughout their journey, and ultimately to our planet.
We don't take ourselves seriously
We place people at the heart of our concerns and believe in fun and passion. We know that friendliness and enthusiasm are essential drivers of teamwork and successful collaboration.

The team


Want to join the adventure?

We are looking for talented and energetic people to join our team. Send us your resume with your best smile, and we promise to answer you with just as much enthusiasm!
Contact us